Natural Relief For Anger and AnxietyAnger is healthy and normal, but there comes a point when it escalates to an unhealthy level. In which case, anger management is a great opt
Mercury in Retrograde - What it means and what to do about it!Between your ex’s popping up, your computer glitching, losing your keys 1,000 times and your car breaking down…you’re probably ready for Mer
Kick Your Negativity to the Curb!There are so many moments in life that are difficult, painful, scary and hard to endure. There are times when we feel anger, anxiety,...
Morning Exercise...Is it for me?After I Started Doing Morning Exercise, Life Is Getting Better… I’m not a morning person. As a child, I had a Garfield poster in my room...
15 Secrets of Genuinely Happy PeopleEvery minute of every day you have the power to choose how you feel emotionally. Pretty powerful, right? The only way someone else has...
Chakra Balancing - Got 10 Minutes to Change Your Life?The Chakras are the seven power points in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as prana. They are vertically...
A Cali Girls Disneyland Tips for NewbiesSpending a day at Disneyland is practically a rite of passage for Californians and many of us visit often. But if you're new to...
A Mental Health MinuteWherever you are, whatever you’re feeling, @BTWFoundation and I want you to know it’s ok to say it. Whether it's online, with your...
Improve Your Focus & Concentration with Essential OilsUnless you having been living at the South Pole, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about essential oils. First used by the Egyptians...
The Thinker Behind Your ThoughtsI think one of the keys to personal development and ultimately self-understanding is observing how your mind works, what your heart feels...