Remove a Lipoma Naturally with Essential Oils
What is a lipoma?
A Lipoma is a slow growing soft mass of fat (adipose) cells that are typically found between the skin and underlying muscle in the:
They are generally small — less than two inches in diameter. They are soft to the touch and will move with finger pressure. Lipomas are not cancer. Since they pose no threat, there is usually no reason for treatment other than for cosmetic reasons. As with all lumps and bumps, they need to be checked by a doctor for diagnosis.
What causes lipomas?
There is no medical consensus on the cause of lipomas, but it is believed that genetic factors might be a factor in their development. You are more likely to have a lipomas if you:
are between 40 and 60 years old
are obese
have high cholesterol
have diabetes
have glucose intolerance
have liver issues
When to see your doctor about a lipoma
Whenever you notice a strange lump on your body, you should head to your doctor for a diagnosis. It might turn out to be a harmless lipoma, but there is always a chance that it could be an indication of a more serious condition.
It could be a cancerous liposarcoma. This is usually faster growing than a lipoma and painful.
Other symptoms that should be discussed with your doctor include:
level of pain
increases in size of lump
lump starts feeling warm/hot
lump becomes hard or immovable
additional skin changes
Having watched my husband heal after having lipomas cut out, I was determined to find an essential oil blend that would shrink the lipomas. Being a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, essential oils are my natural go-to for every medical issue.
I am happy to say that my husband has not had a lipoma cut out in years. You can purchase my natural remedy for Lipomas here: