Rosacea Control with Essential OilsRosacea is an irritating, chronic condition of the skin which affects many people, typically after the age of 30. Rosacea is complicated...
The Vagus Nerve & Anxiety LinkThe Vagus Nerve activates the body’s relaxation response and helps regulate stress. It is the longest nerve in the body, connecting the...
Using Essential Oils Safely for Infants and ToddlersAt Botanical Delights we believe in empowering our customers with safe essential oil information to ensure they get the most out of all thei
Hidradenitis Suppurativa - Healing Skin Care Routine with Essential OilsHidradenitis Suppurativa - Healing Skin Care Routine with Essential Oils. HS Natural Remedies that WORK!
What You Need to Know About Hidradenitis SuppurativaHidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes cysts to form under the skin. These cysts can be painful and...
Essential Oil Synergy Blends - Magical AromatherapyEssential oil effects are complex. A particular essential oil can have multiple properties and build a reputation as being helpful for a...
Guide to Diluting Essential OilsUndiluted Use of Essential Oils On the Skin Can Be Harmful and Potentially Cause Severe Irritation or Sensitization. I often see...
Essential Oil Shelf LifePure essential oils do not go rancid and they don't really have a hard set expiration date. Over time, however, essential oils can...
Natural Relief For Anger and AnxietyAnger is healthy and normal, but there comes a point when it escalates to an unhealthy level. In which case, anger management is a great opt